About Me

(c) 2013 Martin Klapetek
my name is Daniel Vrátil (dvratil) and I live in Prague, Czech republic. I work at Avast Software as a senior software engineer, previously I worked as software engineer at KDAB and Red Hat (first as Evolution developer, then moved to work on KDE and Fedora packaging). My CV.
My main interest are open source, free culture, software development, metal music and watching or reading science fiction. And beer (see the picture on the right - can’t even get a profile picture without it :-)).
I’m a Linux geek, using ArchLinux and Fedora since around 2006. I’ve done some stuff in PHP, Gtk+ (C) and now I’m mostly doing C++, Qt and KDE. I’m a Qt Ambassador, KDE supporting member and KDE e.V. member, working mainly on KDE PIM.
Except for programming, I love scifi - Doctor Who, Babylon 5, Firefly, Firescape, Isac Asimov, H.G. Wells etc.), good beer (easy to get in Czech republic ;-)) and metal (hey, maybe we can meet on some Amon Amarth, Sabaton, Nigthwish or Epica gig!)…see my profile on Last.fm. I also pretend to be a guitar player, attempting to play mostly covers from Amon Amarth, but I really suck.
You can find me on Mastodon, Twitter, GitHub and LinkedIn and probably elsewhere too :)